The Construction of History is Dedicated to the Memories of the Unnamed

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The “Keiko Kan” Folk Heritage Museum of Aomori City collected, stored and exhibited around 15,000 historical documents and materials related to archaeology, folklore, tools and art, as well as the Aomori air raids and the post-war construction, but closed in 2006. Its director was Tanaka Chuzaburo, a researcher in the field who was born in Kawauchi Town, Shimokita County (now Mutsu City) in Aomori, and was dedicated to the research and collection of folk tools. This work brings light on how the state of Japan has been constructed, through telling of the lives of the people of the Tohoku region, which are not recorded within official histories. It is complemented by 8mm films made by local people during the period of post-war turmoil to Japan’s rapid economic growth, gathered following a public call to show the memory of a period missing from the collection. By compiling folk materials so common in rural areas that they are not often regarded as cultural heritage, and editing them anew in light of the current state initiative to revitalise rural areas, this work critically constructs the unequal relationship between the rural areas and the central government and institutions, which still pulses through the present.



青森県下北郡川内町(現・むつ市)に生まれ、民具の調査・収集に奔走してきた在野の研究者・田中忠三郎が館長を務めた「青森市歴史民俗展示館 稽古館」は、考古・民俗・民具・民芸から青森空襲と戦後復興に関する約15,000点に及ぶ史料・資料等を収集・保管・展示してきたが、2006年に閉館した。本作は、正史の中に書き記されることがなかった、東北の民の生活を物語るものを通じて、いかに日本という国が形成されてきたかを浮き彫りにする。また、地域の人々が戦後混乱期から高度経済成長期に撮影した8ミリフィルムを公募、所蔵品ではカバーしていない時代の記憶も映像によって補完した。地方にはありふれた特別な文化遺産としての価値を得にくい民俗資料を、現在、国が率先して行っている地方再生の動きを踏まえて新たに編纂することにより、現在にも脈打つ地方と中央政府や機関との不均等な関係を批評的に構成した作品。