Les Nucléaires et les Choses

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After the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Disaster which followed the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, a large number of collections and documents were left behind in archives and museums located within what was designated as the “difficult-to-return zone.” Local curators began to rescue these objects and with the cooperation of supporters from both within and outside Fukushima, they were brought out through a cautious process over several years. This work is a visual document of a symposium held in Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture in October 2017 in collaboration with the Fukushima Museum. In addition to documenting the rescue activities, the symposium aimed to create a forum to discuss the various difficulties associated with the impacts of “nuclear,” beginning from the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. Twelve curators, ethnographers, historians and political scientists discussed what happened to the cultural heritage of the Fukushima town of Futaba, examining not only the ongoing crisis that disasters and wars pose to the way they are remembered, but also the possibility of exhibiting testimonies, which can be seen as records of the memory of trauma.


