Piraeus / Heterochronia

Single Channel

The key Mediterranean port of Piraeus, from where it is possible to extend Europe to North Africa and Russia, has seen a history of prosperity and decline. With the foundation of the modern Greek state in 1832, the city returned to the centre of Greek trade and industry, and thus saw an influx in immigrants. The Greco-Turkish War (1919-1922) led to an exponential increase in Greek refugees from Anatolia. In the 21st century, the port of Piraeus was purchased by a Chinese state-owned enterprise, and has experienced an influx of refugees from Syria and Africa. This work focuses on the port of Piraeus and its clocktower, turning the camera toward people of different origins and positions including a historian daughter and her father, port workers, and Syrian refugees. Set to the background music of the theme song “The Children of Piraeus” from the film “Never on Sunday,” which plays from the clocktower at the same time each day, the film attempts an experience of the “different times” (heterochronia) of contemporary Europe, where the past and the present are intricately intertwined.



欧州から北アフリカ、ロシアへも展開できる地中海の要衝ピレウス港は、繁栄と衰退を繰り返してきた。1832年に近代ギリシャが建国されると、ギリシャにおける商業と産業の中心に返り咲くとともに移民が流入。希土戦争 (1919年-1922年)にも、アナトリアからギリシャ人難民により人口が爆発的に増大した。21世紀、中国の国営企業に買収されたピレウス港にはシリアやアフリカからの難民が押し寄せる。本作は、ピレウスの港と時計台、そこで生きる歴史家の親子、港湾労働者、シリアからの難民など出自や立場の違う人々にカメラは向けられ、毎日同じ時刻に時計台から流れる映画「日曜はダメよ」の主題歌「ピレウスの子供たち」を背景音楽に、過去と現在が複雑に絡み合う現代ヨーロッパの「異なる時間(ヘテロクロニア)」の体感を試みる。